= LhARA Institute Board meeting !#5 = 4th October 2022 11:00 BST **ZOOM:** https://cern.zoom.us/j/62109597655?pwd=N2dCdnBzN1BrYVZBNVh1TnVVK0Rmdz09 \\ Meeting ID: 621 0959 7655 Passcode: 402636 == Agenda == 1. Introduction: TG, YP 2. Minutes and actions from last meeting: TG, YP 3. Adoption of agenda: All 4. Report from the co-spokespeople: AG, KL \\ 5. LhARA MoU: TG, YP 6. LhARA/ITRF press release: TG, YP 7. DoNM 7. AoB ----