Changes between Version 4 and Version 5 of Research/DesignStudy/SteeringGroup/2023-02-08

Mar 7, 2023, 4:25:19 PM (16 months ago)
Tim Greenshaw



  • Research/DesignStudy/SteeringGroup/2023-02-08

    v4 v5  
    228th February 2023 17:30 BST
    4 == Agenda ==
    6 === Introduction (TG, YP) ===
    8 === Minutes and actions from last meeting (TG, YP) ===
     4=== Notes from last meeting (TG, YP) ===
    95[wiki:Research/DesignStudy/SteeringGroup/2022-10-04 Notes] of the meeting on the 4/10/22  \\
    10 Update MoU (TG, YP, KL)  \\
    11 Revision of Wiki and mailing lists (KL)
    13 === Adoption of agenda (All) ===
     6No alterations made.
    158=== Report from the co-spokespeople (KL, AG) ===
    16 Any comments for IB in addition to reports in Collaboration Meeting
     9Ken stressed need to find additional resource for LhARA.
     11Discussed developing Accelerator Consortium through which LhARA hopes to obtain some support. 
     12The laser/plasma element which LhARA hoped to be part of was refocused shortly before the Collaboration Meeting. It is now centred around electron acceleration, rather than protons/ions. 
     13LhARA will seek to strengthen collaboration with Queens, Strathclyde and other institutes who have an interest in proton and ion acceleration, with a view to accessing funds from future calls.
     15The development of Gabor lenses would benefit many researchers, but no further sources of support have yet been identified. Again, LhARA must work to find new collaborators.
     17The muon work to be carried out by the Accelerator Consortium will aid LhARA's FFA development.
     19Jason Parsons and Amato Giacca are leading a LhARA bid to the MRC developmental pathway funding scheme, in discussion with Yolanda Presado and and Kevin Prise. 
     20This will hopefully provide some funding and will certainly ensure we clearly articulate our radiobiology programme and are well prepared for future calls.
     22The wiki still needs some work and the general LhARA web presence needs improvement.
    1824=== Report from the project manager (CW) ===
    19 Any comments for IB in addition to reports in Collaboration Meeting
     25There was discussion of the need to make clear the transformative nature of the radio-biology programme that LhARA makes possible.
     26The possibilty that LhARA technology will allow the provision of radiotherapy at significantly reduced cost was also emphasised.
    2129=== LhARA MoU (TG, YP) ===
    22 Current draft of MoU is attached below
     30Current draft of MoU is attached below.
     32Changes from the previously circulated draft are:
     34==== Preamble ====
     35Addition of reference to description of LhARA provided in "The Laser-hybrid Accelerator for Radiobiological Applications" on the wiki. 
     36Addition of comments on radiobiology programme LhARA will pursue and clinical impact it will achieve. 
     38==== Institute Board ====
     39Add ratification of Biological Science Programme Manager and Impact Programme Manager appointments by the IB.
     41Add ITRF representative as non-voting member on IB. 
     42Following discussion, it was decided this wasn't approporiate: there are already sufficent channels of communication between ITRF and LhARA 
    2444=== Establishment of Science Board (TG, YP) ===
     45As foreseen in the MoU, Science Board, led by two Project Scientists, will steer LhARA's science programme. E.g. it will be the body responsible for issuing calls for proposals for the use of the LhARA facility and setting up peer review to determine how LhARA time is apportioned.
     47Now, the SB should take responsiblity for guiding major publications through the collaboration and ensuring LhARA representation at conferences.
     49Two names proposed as Project Scientists:
     50Robert (Bob) Bingham, Strathclyde, CLF.
     51Kevin Prise, QUB.
     52Both approved by the IB.
    2654=== LhARA funding (All) ===
     55Search of UKRI finding calls led to identification of MRC developmental pathway funding scheme.
     57Amato and Jason preparing LhARA bid, see above.
     59In addition, some schemes for Doctoral Training Centres, e.g. UKRI Centres for Doctoral Training in AI
     61Not something LhARA can apply to as a collaboration, but may be possible for individual LhARA members to work in DTCs in their universities funded through this scheme. (Deadline 23/2/23!)
     63Request was made that all keep eyes open for funding opportunities and keep LhARA informed!
     65MoU may be useful to ensure coherence of project can be demonstrated in bids for funding for elements of programme.
     67It was noted that Innovate UK will step up activities in the next few years. Innovate UK projects are not science and can entail lots of administrative overhead!
     69LhARA needs to assess sustainability issues and estimate operation costs in preparation for future finding bids.
    2871=== AoB ===
     72Amato Giacca reminded us to think about year 3 of the LhARA programme and beyond and the next funding round. Questions include:
     73Where should the LhARA prototype be developed? Would people's institutions be interested in hosting LhARA and what support could they provide?
     74What associated facilities are needed (e.g. an animal house, laser Lab.)?
    3076=== DoNM ===