= LhARA Institute Board meeting !#6 = 8th February 2023 17:30 BST == Agenda == === Introduction (TG, YP) === === Minutes and actions from last meeting (TG, YP) === [wiki:Research/DesignStudy/SteeringGroup/2022-10-04 Notes] of the meeting on the 4/10/22 \\ Update MoU (TG, YP, KL) \\ Revision of Wiki and mailing lists (KL) === Adoption of agenda (All) === === Report from the co-spokespeople (KL, AG) === Any comments for IB in addition to reports in Collaboration Meeting === Report from the project manager (CW) === Any comments for IB in addition to reports in Collaboration Meeting === LhARA MoU (TG, YP) === Current draft of MoU is attached below === Establishment of Science Board (TG, YP) === === LhARA funding (All) === === AoB === === DoNM === Will take place as part of next Collaboration Meeting. \\ ----