Changes between Version 10 and Version 11 of Research/DesignStudy/SteeringGroup/Scratch

Nov 25, 2021, 3:00:39 PM (3 years ago)



  • Research/DesignStudy/SteeringGroup/Scratch

    v10 v11  
    2828 The renaming of the Steering Group so that going forward it would be the **Institute Board** was unanimously agreed.
    30  To prepare for the discussion of the appointment of the inaugural Institute Board chairs, T. Greenshaw and Y. Presado left the meeting.  KL introduced the discussion of YP and TG as Inaugural Chairs by saying that the proposed appointment was inline with the co-leadership of the collaboration from a life scientist and a physical scientist.  TG had long-standing expertise in large collaborations and that he had taken senior and leading roles in these collaborations.  YP is a leading researcher in the efficacy of novel beams and leader of an area of growing importance of the field.  The appointment of TG and TP was endorsed unanimously.  TG and YP rejoined the meeting and were congratulated on their appointment.  It was also noted that the work package content of the project would necessary change and grow over the reconstruction phase.
     30 To prepare for the discussion of the appointment of the inaugural Institute Board chairs, T. Greenshaw and Y. Presado left the meeting.  KL introduced the discussion of YP and TG as Inaugural Chairs by saying that the proposed appointment was inline with the co-leadership of the collaboration from a life scientist and a physical scientist.  TG had long-standing expertise in large collaborations and that he had taken senior and leading roles in these collaborations.  YP is a leading researcher in the efficacy of novel beams and leader of an area of growing importance of the field.  The appointment of TG and YP was endorsed unanimously.  TG and YP rejoined the meeting and were congratulated on their appointment.  It was also noted that the work package content of the project would necessarily change and grow over the reconstruction phase.
    3232 The timeline for the preparation of the proposal as defined in the slides was noted.
    3737 * Organisational aspects: KL \\
    3838  [raw-attachment:2021-11-22-LONG-2.pdf See slides].  Points noted: \\
    39  The need to flesh out the details of the responsibilities and roles was discussed.  The overall distinction between the LhARA initiative as a "Programme" and the LhARA design and build activity as a "Project" was noted.  The key issue in the development of our programme as the parallel influence of life and natural sciences was endorsed.  The mapping onto the specification of the programme structure would need to be written carefully.  It was noted that the third essential strand, that if generating clinical impact in parallel to the development of the biological science and LhAtA project aspects of the programme was noted.\\
     39 The need to flesh out the details of the responsibilities and roles was discussed.  The overall distinction between the LhARA initiative as a "Programme" and the LhARA design and build activity as a "Project" was noted.  The key issue in the development of our programme as the parallel influence of life and natural sciences was endorsed.  The mapping onto the specification of the programme structure would need to be written carefully.  It was noted that the third essential strand was generating clinical impact in parallel to the development of the biological science and LhARA project aspects of the programme.\\
    4040 The timeline for preparation and review of the proposal was presented and is as described in the slides.
    4141 * Preliminary and pre-construction programme development: CW \\
    50506. __Outreach and engagement plan for 2022__ \\
    51  KL reported that the intention was to initiate a "LhARA seminar tour.  The concept would be to jointly deliver the seminar by one life scientist and one natural scientist.  AG+KL and JP+CW would seek to initiate the series, generating a slide pack and some idea of response of audiences.  Then to reach a large enough fraction of our peer group Institute Board members were invited to take the seminar programme forward.
     51 KL reported that the intention was to initiate a "LhARA seminar tour".  The concept would be to jointly deliver the seminar by one life scientist and one natural scientist.  AG+KL and JP+CW would seek to initiate the series, generating a slide pack and some idea of response of audiences.  Then to reach a large enough fraction of our peer group Institute Board members were invited to take the seminar programme forward.
    5353 It was suggested that KL contact K.Gleeson to offer to reach out to Maggies groups and that the Imperial Academic Health Science Centre be approached.  KL will make these contacts.