= LhARA WPM Meeting: 01Mar22; 14:00 GMT = **ZOOM:** https://imperial-ac-uk.zoom.us/j/95000734107?pwd=eUo1bXpvako5KzhzSlFkTXFKdjFGZz09&from=addon 1. [wiki:Research/DesignStudy/WPMGroup/Meetings/2021/12-16 Notes from last meeting and actions] 2. ITRF/LhARA alignment * [raw-attachment:OBS-LhARA-ITRF22-03-01.pdf Draft OBS (C. Whyte)] * WPM - 'corresponding author' - and deputy * [raw-attachment:1272-pm-temp-0001-v0.1-WP-Report-Template.xlsx Draft project report skeleton (H. Owen)] * [raw-attachment:Project-management-roles-and-governance.docx Project roles and governance (H. Owen)] 3. Status of proposal and next steps: - [raw-attachment:2022-03-01-LhARA-proposal.pdf Version as of am, 01Mar22] - Gantt-chart extracts: - [raw-attachment:LhARA_Gantt-chart_WP2_28_02.pdf WP2] - [raw-attachment:LhARA_Gantt-chart_WP3_28_02.pdf WP3] - [raw-attachment:LhARA_Gantt-chart_WP4_28_02.pdf WP4] - [raw-attachment:LhARA_Gantt-chart_WP6_28_02.pdf WP6] - Timetable for completion, for discussion: \\ Assume money from UKRI IAC proposal can start 01Oct22; then: * Completed text: 08Apr22 * Circulate to collaboration for comment with 1 week deadline; * Finalised document by 22Apr22 \\ This gives 1 week contingency before collaboration meeting 4. Preparation for CCAP IAB sponsored review - Refresh needed of: [wiki:Communication/MailingLists/LhARA Mailing lists maintained for information sharing within the LhARA consortium] 5. Communication 6. AoB ----