LhARA fortnightly Meeting 19^th^ April 2022; 14:00 GMT = **ZOOM:** https://imperial-ac-uk.zoom.us/j/95000734107?pwd=eUo1bXpvako5KzhzSlFkTXFKdjFGZz09&from=addon Meeting ID: 950 0073 4107 Passcode: p+Uu8$ == Agenda == 1. ** Preparation of LhARA proposal ** Assume money from UKRI IAC proposal can start 01Oct22; then: * Completed text: 08Apr22 - partial success * Circulate to collaboration for comment with 1 week deadline; - action completed K. Long Thurs 14th April * Finalised document by 22Apr22 \\ This gives 1 week contingency before collaboration meeting - Work package reports: 1. Project Management: J. Parsons, C. Whyte. * Major project deliverables * CDR 24 * TDR1 36 * TDR2 60 2. Laser-driven source: E. Boella, N. Dover, R. Gray * Major project deliverables * Scapa ion source sim & expt 18 * Optimisation of proton and Ion source - laser specifiction 30 * 10Hz operation - advanced targetry 48 * Stabilised 5Hz at Scapa 59 3. Ion capture: M. Charlton, W. Bertsche * Major project deliverables * Validate plasma Sims 6 * Larga diameter plasma expt results 18 * Next generation plasma lens design 23 * Build progress report 36 * Ion focussing results 59 4. Dose-deposition profiling: J. Bamber, E. Harris, J. Mattheson * Major project deliverables * Geant 4 Sims 12 * K-wave simulation and sensor array design 23 * Iterative reconstruction methods 36 * Dose mapping - calibration of ion acoustic detection 48 * Acoustic rig/radiobiology station integration 48 * 'LhARA' test results 59 5. Vertical beam line and biological end station development: R. McLauchlan, T. Price * Major project deliverables * Report on required new beam monitoring required 23 * Design report: automated handling facility 23 * Report: beam monitoring system 59 * Specification, LhARA beam delivery and monitoring system 59 6. Accelerator design and integration: N. Bliss, J. Pasternak * Major project deliverables * Final review R&D for CDR 18 * Final review R&D for TDR1 35 * Final review R&D for TDR2 56 * Technical review FFA magnet 58 * Technical review MA cavity 58 2. ** DoNM **: * 19Apr22 3. **AoB** ----