= LhARA Project WPM Meeting 27^th^ September 2022 WP2; 14:00 GMT = **ZOOM:** https://imperial-ac-uk.zoom.us/j/95000734107?pwd=eUo1bXpvako5KzhzSlFkTXFKdjFGZz09&from=addon Meeting ID: 950 0073 4107 Passcode: p+Uu8$ = Agenda = Review 27th October 27Oct22: 16:30 BST -- 18:30 BST Accelerator programme * 1. Overview: C. Whyte * 2. Laser-driven proton and ion source (WP2): E. Boella, N. Dover, R. Gray * 3. Proton and ion capture (WP3): C. Baker, W. Bertsche * 4. Facility design and integration (WP6): N. Bliss, J. Pasternak Reporting Monthly report template: https://ccap.hep.ph.ic.ac.uk/trac/attachment/wiki/Research/DesignStudy/WPMGroup/Meetings/2022/10-18/1272-pa1-pm-temp-0001-v0.1-WP-Report-Template.xlsx WPM bi-weekly meetings - dates/times AOB