= LhARA Project WPM Meeting 15^th^ November 2022 WP2; 14:00 GMT = **ZOOM:** https://imperial-ac-uk.zoom.us/j/95000734107?pwd=eUo1bXpvako5KzhzSlFkTXFKdjFGZz09&from=addon Meeting ID: 950 0073 4107 Passcode: p+Uu8$ = Agenda = JeS progress: update - CW * JeS information passed from STFC to ITRF. ITRF response should allow STFC to issue award letters - LhARA Review: no update - expect more substantial discussion at next WPM meeting LhARA End station - 1st consultation 14th Dec 2022 Charing Cross. * Online registration now available. * Briefing document will be required 2 weeks in advance - draft for next WPM meeting? * Include beam parameters/time structure/beam size etc. * Sample container requirements * atmospheric control * Running schedule, several hours continuous. Downtime. * Also consider possible on site cell diagnostics IPAC Papers Absracts 7th Dec. Conf May'23. * ICL preparing 'overview' paper, others considering options. * Action potential authors to prepare material for consideration at next WPM meeting. AOB