Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of Research/DesignStudy/WPMGroup/Scratch

Aug 5, 2021, 11:52:14 AM (3 years ago)



  • Research/DesignStudy/WPMGroup/Scratch

    v1 v2  
    1 dfa
     1= LhARA work package managers meeting 1 =
     2** 5^th^ August 2021; 10:30 BST **
     4The purpose of this meeting is to get organised to prepare the LhARA proposal for the preliminary-phase activity.
     6== Notes ==
     81. Proposal scope (reprise) and proposal templates (OverLeaf and WORD): KL
     9 * [raw-attachment:01-2021-08-05-LONG-proposal.pptx Slides]
     10  - The general structure of the proposal was discussed and agreed.  WB and JPa noted that, as specified in the slides, the goals for the plasma lens w/p and the full CDR definition would not fit within the two-year goal.  We discussed how this should be handled.  The result was that the WPMs would define the scope of the work packages and the resources required to deliver the defined scope.  Integration/coordination of the goals across w/ps would be done at the "plenary" w/p meetings.  If resources did not allow the defined scope to be delivered the result would be both a redefinition of cost and scope and a re-evaluation of the risks.
     11 * [raw-attachment:2021-08-05-LhARA-proposal-template.pdf Skeleton (draft 0)]
     12  - We reviewed and discussed the structure of the proposal document.  The structure was agreed.  The proposal document would be accessible as a WORD and OverLeaf template.
     142. Proposal preparation: costing, timeline and milestones, risks, etc: CW
     15 - Skeletons for the development of costs, schedule, and risk tables were presented.  All documents were in EXCEL.  WPMs were asked to complete their spreadsheets and send to DK et al for integration in the overall tables.
     173. TEAMS site for communication and coordination: DK
     18 - The costing tool will use anonymous staff identifiers.  The link between the anonymised identifiers, staff, and cost will be done using a "Staff database" provided by the various institutes.  Such confidential information would be shared through the TEAMS site.  All WPMs have access (or will be given access).
     204. Discussion: All \\
     21 Need to cover and agree: \\
     22 - Updates to proposed templates and processes
     23 - Timetable for preparation
     24 - Pattern for LwpM meetings
     25 - Other
     27 **Agreed.** as in slides etc. above.
     295. DONM
     30 * Two weeks time.
     326. AoB
     33 * **KL**: Send TP links to LhARA documentation.