| 1 | = Gabor Lens meeting: 24Apr20; 16:00 BST = |
| 2 | |
| 3 | This meeting will be unstructured once more. Last time we agreed the following actions: |
| 4 | * **KL:** Work with RAL to re-vitalise TSD's federal Id; |
| 5 | * **Ongoing.** |
| 6 | * **RB:** Dust off calculation of instabilities in the electron plasma |
| 7 | * **Done.** Initial indication of instability circulated. |
| 8 | * **TSD:** Attempt some tutorial examples from VSIM |
| 9 | * **Stalled:** Awaits resurrection of federal Id. |
| 10 | * **JPo:** Provide TSD with the geometry of the present prototype Gabor lens |
| 11 | * **Stands.** |
| 12 | * **KL/RB:** Take a look at the Bingham et al paper on laser-driven accelerator for medicine |
| 13 | * **Stands.** |
| 14 | |
| 15 | Discussion of next steps. |
| 16 | |
| 17 | == Connection details == |
| 18 | Join Zoom Meeting: **https://cern.zoom.us/j/98574047581?pwd=Zkx5Y2c3Tkp6dVh6U0wydVUxUHJ3dz09** |
| 19 | |
| 20 | {{{ |
| 21 | Meeting ID: 985 7404 7581 |
| 22 | Password: 891340 |
| 23 | }}} |
| 24 | |
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| 38 | +33 1 7037 9729 France |
| 39 | Meeting ID: 985 7404 7581 |
| 40 | Find your local number: https://cern.zoom.us/u/a2rZwec54 |
| 41 | }}} |
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| 61 | Meeting ID: 985 7404 7581 |
| 62 | Password: 891340 |
| 63 | }}} |
| 64 | ---- |