= Gabor Lens meeting: 07May20; 16:00 BST = ---- == Agenda == 1. Introduction, notes and actions: KL/All * **KL:** (Re)initiate contact with O.Ettlinger, G.Hicks to find support for starting SMILEI source simulations * **TSD:** Attempt some tutorial examples from VSIM * **JPo:88 Provide TSD with the geometry of the present prototype Gabor lens * **KL/RB**: Take a look at the Bingham et al paper on laser-driven accelerator for medicine * **RB:** Introduce Titus to D. Spears and find the ISIS person to contact about access to VSim 2. Review of calculation of instability: **RB** 3. Updates on the particle generation: **HT** 4. Updates on the simulation of Gabor lens: **TSD** 5. Discussion of next steps: **ALL** == Connection details == Join Zoom Meeting: **https://cern.zoom.us/j/98574047581?pwd=Zkx5Y2c3Tkp6dVh6U0wydVUxUHJ3dz09** ----