= Gabor Lens meeting: 03Sep20; 16:00 BST = == Summary of actions == * **KL** Get CW a wiki account. == Notes == 1. //Introduction, [wiki:Research/GaborLens/Meetings/2020/08/27 notes and actions]//: **KL/All** * **CW** Setup meeting with M.King to discuss results. - **Done.** Email exchange done, just need to set up the meeting. * **KL** Get CW a wiki account. - **Stands.** 2. //Progress on beam experiments paper//: **TN** \\ - Intro rewritten. Progress no on the editing of first sections. Focus to move onto other parts of paper. 3. //[raw-attachment:meeting_HTL_030920.pdf Updates on the particle generation]//: **HT** - See slides; points noted: - Excellent that the loop has been closed between the generation of the particles and the BDSIM/GPT simulation. - Need to review coordinate transformation performed to generate 3D distributions for transmission to beam-line simulation. - HTL and CW will collaborate to work towards meeting with M.King. 4. //[raw-attachment:LhARA_Capture_03Sep20_TSD.pdf​ Updates on simulation of "IC" lens]//: **TSD** - See slides; pointd noted: - Observed rotation of plasma and development of 4-fold symmetry. - Initial simulation of passage of 1 MeV protons attempted. Issues with initial distribution and distribution at screen. 5. //AOB//: **All** - TB: Entry for logo for competition submitted. ---- == Agenda == 1. //Introduction, [wiki:Research/GaborLens/Meetings/2020/08/27 notes and actions]//: **KL/All** * **CW** Setup meeting with M.King to discuss results. * **KL** Get CW a wiki account. 2. //Progress on beam experiments paper//: **TN** \\ 3. //[raw-attachment:meeting_HTL_030920.pdf Updates on the particle generation]//: **HT** 4. //[raw-attachment:LhARA_Capture_03Sep20_TSD.pdf​ Updates on simulation of "IC" lens]//: **TSD** 5. //AOB//: **All** ----