= Gabor Lens meeting: 26MAY2022; 16:00 BST = **Present:** CB(chair),KL,CW,TD,EB[[BR]] **Apologies:** MC,AK[[BR]] == Notes == * 1. No outstanding actions * 3. CB reported on ongoing Supercomputing Wales VSim evaluation with PlasmaToyModel. * 2a. TD reported on VSim PlasmaToyModel scaling on SCARF. Useful discussion regarding possible issues and speedup ensued.[[BR]] * 2b. TD reported on continued study of solenoid/fieldmaps with BGT, followed by discussion of real vs. simulated windings/solenoids. Potential use of kA PSU's discussed. * 4a. Clarifications of proposal cost updates, timings, and next steps following Tuesdays fortnightly meeting[[BR]] * 4b. All expected comments for design update returned and being processed. * 5. DoNM: 9MAY2022 === Summary of actions: === ---- == Agenda == 1. //Introduction, notes and actions//: **Chair/All** 2. //Simulation update//: **TD** 3. //Swansea update//: **CB** 4. //Proposal and design update paper update//: **CB** 5. //AOB//: **All** == Connection details == Join Zoom Meeting: **https://cern.zoom.us/j/68763369382?pwd=V05jYjM0MHNTeHFwQjdYbG1hSDhPdz09** ----