= SmartPhantom meeting: Wednesday 5^th^ June 2019, 16:00 = == Meeting details == Teleconference Phone details: {{{ UK: 08082 380274 Austria: 0800 006612 PIN: 5904750902 }}} Full list of telephone contacts may be found [https://ccap.hep.ph.ic.ac.uk/trac/raw-attachment/wiki/Communication/Z0-Phone-details.pdf here]. == Notes: == **Present:** JB, KL, AK, HT, LC 1. Notes and actions from [wiki:Research/Instrumentation/Meetings/2019/06-05 last meeting]: * **AK** agreed to find minimum bending radius; * **LC** will consider options for stopping the unravelling during manufacture. * **AK,KL** place an order for clear fibre * **HT** check use of (e.g.) 50 micron aluminium in simulation * **JB** supply printed circuit board spec 2. Design update: LC \\ * [raw-attachment:image001.jpg Winding jig.] 3. Simulation update: HTL \\ 4. Optical readout considerations: JB \\ 5. Next steps 6. DONM 7. AoB