Changes between Version 10 and Version 11 of Research/Instrumentation/Meetings/2019/07-24

Jul 24, 2019, 5:39:45 PM (5 years ago)



  • Research/Instrumentation/Meetings/2019/07-24

    v10 v11  
    2222  * **Done.** Order may be placed on the code used for other components.
    2323 * **JB**: Purchase parts for optical readout system.
    24   * **Done.** All parts for prototype are ordered.  Optical system concept developed and initial sketch uploaded.
     24  * **Done.** All parts for prototype are ordered.  Optical system [raw-attachment:projection_assembly.pdf concept] developed and initial sketch uploaded.
    2525 * **AK**: Provide JB with project code for purchase of optical readout components. \\
    2626  * **Done.**
    28282. Mechanical design update: LC \\
    29  * See slides.  Excellent discussion, next steps noted in LC's slides.  Imperial my make sheet-metal stand.
     29 * See [raw-attachment:240719-SmartPhantomDesign.ppt slides].  Excellent discussion, next steps noted in LC's slides.  Imperial my make sheet-metal stand.
    3030 * We **agreed** to assemble jig at RAL because of need to measure accuracy of assembly.  Implies some technical effort from RAL.  **LC** will see if this is available.
    32323. Optical readout update: JB \\
    33  * We discussed the concept that had been circulated.  JB demonstrated the concept with parts (holder, lens assembly, locking ring).
     33 * We discussed the [raw-attachment:projection_assembly.pdf concept] that had been circulated.  JB demonstrated the concept with parts (holder, lens assembly, locking ring).
    3434 * Concept seemed good.  Light tighting felt to be straightforward.
    3535 * **LC/JB:** Agreed to finalise specification of interface between clear-fibre connector and optical assembly.
    46466. Schedule: HTL and discussion (all) \\
    47  * Discussion of schedule led to conclusion that there is a need to advance the construction etc. as far as possible.
     47 * Discussion of [raw-attachment: schedule] led to conclusion that there is a need to advance the construction etc. as far as possible.
    4848 * Agreed to wind first prototype planes with scifi (not fishing line).  Hope that these will be acceptable detectors for use.
    4949 * We **agreed** to meet next Tuesday (time to be defined) to make a first baseline version of the schedule **KL** to suggest time.
    6262 * **KL**: Liaise to develop concept for polishing.
     63 * **KL** send MuScat paper for reference.
    6364 * **KL**: Seek meeting with S.Gruber to get her input into the design.
    6465 * **LC**: Check re technical effort at RAL for assembly/dowling etc.