Changes between Version 5 and Version 6 of Research/Instrumentation/Meetings/2019/07-24

Jul 24, 2019, 4:52:09 PM (5 years ago)



  • Research/Instrumentation/Meetings/2019/07-24

    v5 v6  
    11= SmartPhantom meeting: Wednesday 24^th^ July 2019, 11:00 BST =
     3== Notes: ==
     5**Present:** KL, LC, JB, AK, HTL
     71. Notes and actions from [wiki:Research/Instrumentation/Meetings/2019/06-26 last meeting]:
     8 * **HTL**: Inject 90Sr electrons to estimate test-rig light yeild. \\
     9  * **Done.**  Simulation estimating number of photo-electrons created (see slides).  Now await measurement to allow comparison.
     10  * **Agree:** Make measurement of activity of source using silicon detector.  This was done; the rate measured was 90kHz.
     11 * **KL**: Liaise to develop concept for polishing. \\
     12  * **Ongoing.**  Possibly use diamond cutter after having glued two planes together to form station.
     13 * **KL**: Work within Imperial to find assembly space.
     14  * **Done.**
     15 * **KL**: Seek meeting with S.Gruber to get her input into the design.
     16  * **Ongoing.**
     17 * **LC**: Obtain chemical composition of resin and black dye. \\
     18  * **Done.*  Carbon-black pigment.  Its composition is "like" resin.  **KL** send MuScat paper for reference.
     19 * **LC**: Develop concept for optical connector at camera end of lightguide and for potting of light guide at detector end. \\
     20  * **Done.** Example part has been printed.  We discussed the dimensions and agreed to make it one piece.
     21 * **KL**: Liaise with FW to work out how to place aluminium-part order.
     22  * **Done.** Order may be placed on the code used for other components.
     23 * **JB**: Purchase parts for optical readout system.
     24  * **Done.** All parts for prototype are ordered.  Optical system concept developed and initial sketch uploaded.
     25 * **AK**: Provide JB with project code for purchase of optical readout components. \\
     26  * **Done.**
     282. Mechanical design update: LC \\
     29 * See slides.  Excellent discussion, next steps noted in LC's slides.  Imperial my make sheet-metal stand.
     30 * We **agreed** to assemble jig at RAL because of need to measure accuracy of assembly.  Implies some technical effort from RAL.  **LC** will see if this is available.
     323. Optical readout update: JB \\
     33 * We discussed the concept that had been circulated.  JB demonstrated the concept with parts (holder, lens assembly, locking ring).
     34 * Concept seemed good.  Light tighting felt to be straightforward.
     35 * **LC/JB:** Agreed to finalise specification of interface between clear-fibre connector and optical assembly.
     374. Control system and SciWire readout update: AK \\
     38 * Will use LabView.  AK has requested LabView license for himself and HTL.  Work will be divided between AK and HT.
     39 * Need to purchase laptops to run/develop system: one for development one for development and operation of system.
     40 * Stepper motor with travel of 150mm will be purchased from ThorLabs.  Order will include two locking rings for optical system.
     41  * **JB** will send part number to AK.
     435. Simulation update: HTL \\
     44 * Points noted above.
     466. Schedule: HTL and discussion (all) \\
     47 * Discussion of schedule led to conclusion that there is a need to advance the construction etc. as far as possible.
     48 * Agreed to wind first prototype planes with scifi (not fishing line).  Hope that these will be acceptable detectors for use.
     49 * We **agreed** to meet next Tuesday (time to be defined) to make a first baseline version of the schedule **KL** to suggest time.
     517. Next steps \\
     52 * Preparation of components indicates that assembly of winding jig could start after 12Aug19.  Need to watch this space.
     548. DONM \\
     55 * 07Aug19
     579. AoB \\
     58 * None.
     60=== Summary of actions ===
     62 * **KL**: Liaise to develop concept for polishing.
     63 * **KL**: Seek meeting with S.Gruber to get her input into the design.
     64 * **LC**: Check re technical effort at RAL for assembly/dowling etc.
     65 * **LC/JB:** Finalise specification of interface between clear-fibre connector and optical assembly.
     66 * **JB** Provide ThorLabs part numbers of remaining optical components to AK.
     67 * **KL**: Suggest time for schedule discussion on 30Aug19.
    371== Meeting details ==