Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Research/Instrumentation/Meetings/2019/09-18

Sep 18, 2019, 8:08:51 AM (5 years ago)



  • Research/Instrumentation/Meetings/2019/09-18

    v1 v1  
     1= SmartPhantom meeting: Thursday 29^th^ August 2019, 11:00 BST =
     3== Meeting details ==
     5Venue: my apologies; I did not book a room at Imperial!
     6 Perhaps JB, AK, and HTL et al can work out a convenient common location.
     8Phone details:
     10  UK: 08082 380274
     11  Austria: 0800 006612
     13  PIN: 5904750902
     17Full list of telephone contacts may be found [ here].
     21== Agenda: ==
     231. Notes and actions from [wiki:Research/Instrumentation/Meetings/2019/08-29 last meeting]:
     24 * **KL**: Liaise to develop concept for polishing.
     25  * **Stands**: hold until polishing methodology is resolved.
     26 * **AK**: Prepare paperwork necessary to gain permission to work with source in 527.
     27  * **Done.**
     28 * **KL**: Check whether there was enough money to buy another 150mm stage.
     29  * **Done.** There was.  Issue to be revisited today in the light of the requirement to purchase more fibre.
     30 * **KL**: Let D.Loader know that the other equipment may have to be sent without the SmartPhantom stuff.
     31  * **Done.**
     332. Baseline schedule and progress against schedule: KL/HTL \\
     34 The schedule was discussed and updated (see [raw-attachment:2019-09-18-SmartPhantom-Schdl.pdf updated schedule]).
     363. Experience with trial windings and discussion: LC, LTL \\
     384. Mechanical design/manufacture update: LC \\
     405. Control system and SciWire readout update: AK \\
     426. Optical readout: JB \\
     447. Simulation/analysis update: HTL \\
     468. Spend status, discussion of outstanding requirement: KL/All \\
     47 [raw-attachment:2019-09-18-SmartPhantom-Csts.pdf Spend and commit to date.]
     499. Next steps: All \\
     5110. DONM \\
     5311. AoB \\