= SmartPhantom meetings: Wednesday 6^th^ November 2019 = === Meeting details === Videoconference using the Vidyo system. Connection details: \\ Please join the VIDYO meeting by clicking this link: https://vidyoportal.cern.ch/join/SPJlsfAOEV {{{ #!div style="font-size: 80%" If you want to join by phone, please use one of the phone numbers listed in the link below: \\ http://information-technology.web.cern.ch/services/fe/howto/users-join-vidyo-meeting-phone The PIN for the phone connection is: 1079548 }}} === Agenda: === 1. Notes and actions from [wiki:Research/Instrumentation/Meetings/2019/10-30 last meeting]: * **KL**: Liaise to develop concept for polishing. * **Stands.** * **LC**: Complete detailed design of the boot. * * **MP**: Send autocad drawing of flask holder to LC. * * **LC** create drawing of station-holder concept: stations fixed to culture flask and station fixed at entry to water phantom. * * **MP**: Provide trigger-pulse shape. * **Done.** MP provided the following specification: * Trigger signal is a TTL (rectangular) standard; duration from 10 ns to 650 us. * **KL** deal with projected overspend on IC IAA account and estimate of resource required from PPD. * **In progress.** Need to discuss projected spend with LC. Money is now tight, but fortunately we've made most of the orders (I hope). 2. Mechanical design/manufacture update: LC \\ [raw-attachment:191106-SmartPhantom.pdf Slides.] 3. Single-fibre test setup: HTL \\ 4. Schedule revision discussion: All \\ 5. Spend: outstanding requirement: All \\ 6. Next steps: All \\ * Arrange transport of winding jig from RAL to IC. 7. DONM \\ * Next Wednesday. 8. AoB \\ ----