= SmartPhantom meetings: Wednesday 13^th^ November 2019; 11:00 GMT = == Summary of actions: == * **KL**: Liaise to develop concept for polishing. * **LC**: arrange packing of winding jig and inform HTL who will arrange transport. * **LC**: redraw plane-holder arrangement to meet show flask rotated through 180 decrees about vertical axis. == Notes: == 1. Notes and actions from [wiki:Research/Instrumentation/Meetings/2019/11-06 last meeting]: * **KL**: Liaise to develop concept for polishing. * **Stands.** * **LC**: Complete detailed design of the boot. * **Done.** Reported below. * **HTL** will send summary simulations to indicate how close first SciFi layer must be to cell layer. * **Done.** Simulations had been circulated. * **AK**: Will send HTL the LabView code. * **Done.** HTL is working on the adaptation of the LabView code. * **HTL**: Request thickness of culture flask window from MP. * **Done.** Thickness received from M.Puchalska. * **LC**: arrange packing of winding jig and inform HTL who will arrange transport. * **Ongoing.** 2. Mechanical design/manufacture update: LC * [raw-attachment:circle_aperture_boot.jpg Circular aperture boot with protrusion cut]. * [raw-attachment:square_aperture_boot.jpg Square aperture boot with protrusion intact]. * [raw-attachment:sample_holder_design.jpg Sample Holder Design]. * We reviewed the drawings but were confused about the geometry of the boot. Hope was that KL would visit LC during the week to carify. This proved not to be possible. Needs to be clarified 20Nov19. * Following exchange with S.Gruber, understand that cells are grown on surface of flask further from the spout. LC needs to redraw his support structure for this arrangement. 3. Single-fibre test setup: HTL * Ready to go; revision of paperwork for use of source complete. * Setting up for initial test with UV LED. 4. Schedule revision discussion: All \\ * Schedue remains as posted previously. 5. Spend: outstanding requirement: All \\ * No new spend identified. Projected overspends identified and discussed with management at RAL and Imperial. * Need to quantify precisely. 6. Next steps: All \\ * Execute single-fibre test with UV LED, work towards single fibre test with source. * Bring windin jig from RAL to Imperial. Winding now urgent. 7. DONM \\ * Next Wednesday. 13:00 GMT. 8. AoB \\ * None. ---- == Meeting details == Venue: my office: 1105 Blackett Laboratory. Phone details: {{{ UK: 08082 380274 Austria: 0800 006612 PIN: 5904750902 }}} Full list of telephone contacts may be found [https://ccap.hep.ph.ic.ac.uk/trac/raw-attachment/wiki/Communication/Z0-Phone-details.pdf here]. ---- == Agenda: == 1. Notes and actions from [wiki:Research/Instrumentation/Meetings/2019/11-06 last meeting]: 2. Mechanical design/manufacture update: LC 3. Single-fibre test setup: HTL 4. Schedule revision discussion: All \\ 5. Spend: outstanding requirement: All \\ 6. Next steps: All \\ 7. DONM \\ 8. AoB \\ ----