
Version 3 (modified by kurup, 18 months ago) ( diff )


Design and Integration meeting: 17 Jan 2023 15:00 GMT



  • Actions from last meeting.
  • Simulations.
  • AOB


Actions Description Status
22-11-08-04 Will Shields to explore the capability of GPT Optimisation programme (GDFSOLVE) In progress
22-11-22-03 Will Shields to identify a list of anomalies, missing components or errors spotted in the draft Device naming Convention. In progress
22-11-29-01 Elisabetta Boella to provide a new 3D particle distribution from the source. Complete
22-12-06-04 Chris Baker to provide a CAD model of the Gabor Lens test bench In progress
22-12-06-05 Clive Hill to import the CAD model into Creo to provide a better image of the Gabor Lenses. Waiting for CAD model
23-01-17-01 Ajit Kurup to contact Scott Lawrie to learn about Astra. Open
23-01-17-02 Ajit Kurup to get Dockerfiles for BDsim from Will. In progress
23-01-17-03 Ajit Kurup to investigate options for storing data somewhere easily accessible for the collaboration. Open


Present: Ajit Kurup, Ken Long, Jaroslaw Pasternak, Will Shields, Colin Whyte Apologies: Neil Bliss, Hywel Owen

  • Actions
    • JP: Look at how the vacuum performance of the nozzle changes with geometry.
      • Will keep track of this through the meetings with WP2 and WP3 on the nozzle design.
  • Slides from Will.
    • GDFSolve now working.
      • Using it to optimise the beam size not Twiss alpha.
    • Not able to get TRACE3D working in native XP or on a virtual machine..
  • JP: Looking at matching. Have solution for 3cm but not 1cm. Needs further study.
  • KL: Would Docker be useful?
    • AK: Have experience with Docker. Storing a large binary Docker container in a repository is not advisable, can instead store in the repository the Dockerfiles to build an image.
    • WS: BDSIM has example scripts for using in Docker. Visualisation is clunky though.
  • AK: Astra may be an alternative to TRACE3D
    • AK to contact Scott to find out more about Astra.
  • CW:
    • Regarding the discussion on Friday, increasing the Gabor lens diameter may be difficult. Would it be possible to reduce diameter of first half of the first Gabor lens to get stronger initial focussing?
    • Discussion re pros and cons of this.
  • AOB
    • Request from Hywel for input beam from Elisabetta.
      • JP: Can email this to Hywel.
      • AK: Should set up common location for data files. Can look into using Sharepoint.
    • AK: What is the bucket height at injection.
      • JP: 15MeV+/-2%
      • KL: What about lower extraction energies from the FFA, injection energy would be lower. Does that change the bucket height?
      • JP: Will check this.

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