
Version 5 (modified by kurup, 14 months ago) ( diff )


Design and Integration meeting: 25 April 2023 15:00 GMT



  • Actions from last meeting.
  • Simulations.
  • Collaboration with CERN, and meeting on 28 April 2023
  • IPAC papers
  • AOB


23-01-24-01 All to prepare document for the milestone to update the baseline In progress
23-04-04-01 Ajit to create directory structure for simulation files in sharepoint. In progress
23-04-18-01 Will to distribute the draft IPAC paper and poster for comments Closed
23-04-18-02 All to let Ken know if they have a student available to help …. Closed
23-04-18-03 Jaroslaw to organise a FETS-LhARA FFA meeting after IPAC. Closed
23-04-25-01 Ajit to link notes from the joint meeting with WP2 and WP3 to the wiki Open


Present: Neil Bliss, Ajit Kurup, Ken Long, Rehanah Razak, Will Shields, Colin Whyte
Apologies: Clive Hill, Hywel Owen, Jaroslaw Pasternak

  • Actions
    • Document for baseline update to be done by the end of May.
    • WS: IPAC paper and poster is done and posted on the wiki. Will circulate this to the mailing list. Request comments by end of Thursday.
    • KL: No response for students to help.
    • NB mentioned details of the FETS-LhARA FFA meeting.
      • KL: Proposed date is 1st June.
      • NB: Meeting on the magnet is 3rd May.
      • KL: General meeting is on 1st June.
  • Simulations.
    • WS: No updates to report. Focus has been on the IPAC paper.
  • “collaboration with CERN, and meeting on 28Apr23”
    • KL: Taylor has organised a meeting to discuss collaboration between LhARA and the ABP group at CERN. The meeting will be at 3pm CERN time on Friday.
  • IPAC papers.
    • CW is preparing the general LhARA paper.
  • Joint meeting with WP2 and WP3 meeting notes have been circulated.
    • NB circulated the notes via the mailing list. These should be linked to the wiki.
      • AK to create a wiki page.
    • Next meeting to be scheduled.

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