
Version 2 (modified by kurup, 7 weeks ago) ( diff )


Design and Integration meeting: 09 July 2024 15:00 BST



  • Engineering.
  • Simulations.
  • AOB



Present: Clive Hill, Mark Johnson, Ta-Jen Kuo, Ajit Kurup, Ken Long, Jaroslaw Pasternak, Matt Pereira, Rehanah Razak, Will Shields, Colin Whyte
Apologies: Andy Goulden, Hywel Owen

  • Engineering - CH
    • More details on connections and update on power requirements from Steve Griffiths
    • Means we can have different size conductors depending on the power required for each coil.
    • Updated details on the high energy line using info from WS
      • Issue with the first quad overlapping with the FFA.
      • JP: septum field can only be increased a little from 1.12T to 1.2T
      • Discussion.
    • TJK showed alternative yoke shapes and the impact on the injection and extraction was discussed.
  • Simulations
    • WS showed update on different input beams.
    • JP: would like the most recent version of the input file.
    • WS: Looking at using a permanent magnet just after the target.
      • discussion
  • AOB

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