Changes between Version 2 and Version 3 of Research/LhARA/ExecutiveBoard/Meetings/2022/2022-12-16

Dec 19, 2022, 1:59:31 PM (19 months ago)



  • Research/LhARA/ExecutiveBoard/Meetings/2022/2022-12-16

    v2 v3  
    11= LhARA Executive Board 16Dec22; 16:00 GMT =
    3 **ZOOM:**
     3**Present:** TG, KL, PP, CW
    5 == Agenda ==
     5== Summary of actions ==
     6* **TG**: float the idea of a "Publications Board" that would encompass publications and conferences to the IB at its next meeting.
     7* **KL/TG**: Add appropriate regarding EDI and code of conduct to the Consortium Agreement.
     8* **TG**: seek means of engagement with EPSRC detectors and AI call.
     9* **KL**: add agenda item for discussion of the EPSRC detectors and AI call.
    7 1. [wiki:Research/LhARA/ExecutiveBoard/Meetings/2022/2022-11-30 Notes] and actions: All
     11== Notes ==
     131. __[wiki:Research/LhARA/ExecutiveBoard/Meetings/2022/2022-11-30 Notes] and actions: All__
    915 Status of actions:
    1016* **KL** Continue to coordinate support for M. Lamont and J. Double in the preparation of the review.
     17 * **Closed.**
    1118* **KL, JPar, AG** collaborate to create first draft for comment.
    12 * **TG** propose that future IBs are held at CMs to the IB and begin prepartions for the next CM and IB
     19 * **Done.** This action refers to the end-station specification document.  The document is posted as LhARA-Gov-PMB-2022-01.
     20* **TG** propose that future IBs are held at CMs to the IB and begin preparations for the next CM and IB
     21 * **Done.** Brm colleagues propose 08Feb23.
    1322* **KL/AG** to confirm Strathclyde Colloquium date
     23 * **Done.** Colloquium will be 01Feb23.
    1424* **TG** float the idea of a "Publications Board" that would encompass publications and conferences to the IB at its next meeting.
     25 * **Ongoing.**
    1526* **KL/TG**: Check appropriate wording exists regarding EDI and code of conduct in the Consortium Agreement.
     27* **Done.** KL checked latest version (28May22).  EDI is not mentioned and there is no reference to a code of conduct.  Need to review what we will proposed to the IB in February. **Action: TG, KL**
    17 2. LhARA Project progress report (new standing item): CW \\
     292. __LhARA Project progress report (new standing item): CW__ \\
     30 - Indication is that all JeS is done and university grants awarded.  Continuing to monitor grants to ensure moneys are issued as soon as possible.
     31 - Administrative issues mean that recruitment of postdoc at Swansea in WP3 is likely to be slower than scheduled.  Likely start date is now Apr23.
     32 - Progress report will be prepared in the couple of days.  Response from WPMs is patchy.  CW will continue to work with WPMs to complete report.
     33 - Correlations between the work of the various LhARA WPs are becoming evident.  For example, the kinematic distributions at source (WP2) are necessary input to the design update in WP6.  Such issues need to be dealt with pragmatically to allow progress to be made.  Inter-WP meetings essential to take this forward and to ensure information exchange.
     34 - WP0 meeting:
     35   - N.Bliss not available.  Interesting meeting since WP0 places significant importance on synchrotron option.  Need to take this into account when writing the response to the reviewers' comments.
    19 3. Outcomes from first user consultation 14Dec22: All \\
     373. __Outcomes from first user consultation 14Dec22: All__ \\
     38 - Excellent, well attended meeting.  Productive discussions with input from several people not involved in LhARA.
     39 - Follow-up questionnaire in preparation.  Specification document to be updated too.
     40 - It was recognised that R.McLaughlin and T.Price had made an excellent start on the consultation process.
    21 4. Update on response to external review of proposal (standing item until complete); KL, CW, All \\
     424. __Update on response to external review of proposal (standing item until complete); KL, CW, All__ \\
     43 - No progress so far.  KL/CW will pick up during/after holiday.
    23 5. STFC accelerator consortium call: KL, All
     455. __STFC accelerator consortium call: KL, All__
     46 - KL had organised a meeting with the Accelerator Centre directors and others.  Those present had recommended that contact be made with R.Pattathil to begin discussion of parallel development with laser-wakefield proposal.  KL to take forward in the New Year.
    25 6. Next IB and start of preparations for next CM: TG, YP, All
     486. __Next IB and start of preparations for next CM: TG, YP, All__
     49 - Preparations have started.  Next IB will be 08Feb23.
    27 7. DONM \\
    28  To be defined.
     517. __DONM__ \\
     52 11Jan23; 16:00 GMT
    30 8. AoB \\
     548. __AoB__ \\
     55 * KL proposed that C.Jamieson, ex STFC Programmes Directorate, be co-opted to the EB.  **Agreed** unanimously.
     56 * KL initiated discussion of Broader group visits to build on STFC Department Director consultation and "4-nation" seminar series.  **Agreed** to take this forward in the New Year.
     57 * TG: Introduced opportunity to respond to the EPSRC call on detectors and artificial intelligence.  We **agreed** that this was a good idea.  **TG** will consider and seek means to be involved.  **KL** will add agenda item for the next EB.