= LhARA Executive Board 16Dec22; 16:00 GMT = **ZOOM:** https://cern.zoom.us/j/69273575605?pwd=K1cwVVo3UmJwL0pkVDZFSXRJcitvQT09 == Agenda == 1. [wiki:Research/LhARA/ExecutiveBoard/Meetings/2022/2022-11-30 Notes] and actions: All Status of actions: * **KL** Continue to coordinate support for M. Lamont and J. Double in the preparation of the review. * **KL, JPar, AG** collaborate to create first draft for comment. * **TG** propose that future IBs are held at CMs to the IB and begin prepartions for the next CM and IB * **KL/AG** to confirm Strathclyde Colloquium date * **TG** float the idea of a "Publications Board" that would encompass publications and conferences to the IB at its next meeting. * **KL/TG**: Check appropriate wording exists regarding EDI and code of conduct in the Consortium Agreement. 2. LhARA Project progress report (new standing item): CW \\ 3. Outcomes from first user consultation 14Dec22: All \\ 4. Update on response to external review of proposal (standing item until complete); KL, CW, All \\ 5. STFC accelerator consortium call: KL, All 6. Next IB and start of preparations for next CM: TG, YP, All 7. DONM \\ To be defined. 8. AoB \\ ----