Changes between Version 2 and Version 3 of Research/LhARA/ExecutiveBoard/Meetings/2023/2023-01-11

Jan 14, 2023, 3:50:14 PM (18 months ago)



  • Research/LhARA/ExecutiveBoard/Meetings/2023/2023-01-11

    v2 v3  
    11= LhARA Executive Board 11Jan23; 16:00 GMT =
    3 **ZOOM:**
     3**Present**: KL, TG, PP, CW
    5 == Agenda ==
     5== Notes ==
    771. __[wiki:Research/LhARA/ExecutiveBoard/Meetings/2022/2022-12-16 Notes] and actions: All__
    99 Status of actions:
    1010* **TG**: float the idea of a "Publications Board" that would encompass publications and conferences to the IB at its next meeting.
    11   - __Update__: Strong push for the creation of such a body in conversation with R.Bingham.  Some informal discussions have taken place which KL will summarise at the meeting.
     11 - __Update__: Strong push for the creation of such a body in conversation with R.Bingham.  Some further informal discussions indicate that such an initiative would be valuable.  Agreed to include proposal on the next IB agenda.
     12  - Discussion; TG reminded us that the MoU has teh concept of a Science Board already, perhaps this is the tool that can be activated.  Worry about the name "Science Board".  Discuss once more in the context of the MoU at the next EB.
    1213* **KL/TG**: Add appropriate regarding EDI and code of conduct to the Consortium Agreement.
    13  - **Stands.**
     14 - **Stands.**  TG has made will update the draft and circulate.  Next meeting we need to finalise so that the draft can be circulated ahead of the IB at least a week in advance of the meeting.
    1415* **TG**: seek means of engagement with EPSRC detectors and AI call.
    15  -
     16 - **Done** UKRI AI call will be run by EPSRC.  TG will go to weninar on Friday 13Jan23.  Closing date for application is 23Feb23.  Bid would be into a large pool of money; £9-10M if succesful to run a significant CDR.  40+ students in 5 groups of 10.  Pool of 20-40 supervisors, etc.  Priority areas science and resaarch, health.  Need to be part of a broader bid.  We also other opportunites.  TG will eeport on the webinar.
    1617* **KL**: add agenda item for discussion of the EPSRC detectors and AI call.
    1718 - **Done.**
    19202. __LhARA Project progress report: CW__ \\
     21 - Progress since last meeting limited by the Christmas break.  KL had started OverLeaf document to for collaboration response to review.  Writing was launched yesterday at WPM meeting.  Goal is to finish it by next WPM meeting in two weeks.
     22 - Notably good progress on WP6.  Interface between source and capture being investigated since it is critical to determining the accepted flux.  Meeting to discuss is at 14:00 on Friday 13Jan23.  Goal to produce an interface document.
     23 - Noted that some responses to mothly report is not as good as they could be.  May need to prod and cajole.
    21253. __Update on response to external review of proposal (standing item until complete); KL, CW, All__ \\
     26 - See notes under item 2 above.
    23284. __STFC accelerator consortium call: KL, All__
     29 - KL has continued discussions with  R.Pattathil, J.Collier, J.Thomason, and D.Newbold. Present schemem is that "LhARA related" acrtivityes could be included in laser-consootium bid.  This would include ion production and capture.  Less clear how FFA work will be included.
     30 - Plan to continue to develop bid in abovo context.
    25 5. __EPSRC detectors and AI call: TG, All__
     325. __UKRI AI call: TG, All__
     33 * Noted above under actions.
    27356. __Next CM in Birmingham and next IB: TG, YP, All__
     36 - **Action KL** send reminder to collaboration on Friday 13Jan23.  Discussied possibility to hold an in-person meeting, perhaps the following morning.  Will beed to organise by email.
     37 - **Agreed**: IB before dinner; EB following morning.
    29397. __DONM__ \\
    3040 25Jan23; 16:00 GMT
    32428. __AoB__ \\
    33  * Broadening the seminar presentation pool
     43 * Broadening the seminar presentation pool:
     44   - After discussion it was agreed that this should be an item for discussion at the coming IB. item ...