= Gabor Lens meeting: 1DEC2022; 16:00 BST = **Present:** CB (chair), KL, CW, TD [[BR]] **Apologies:** EB, SE [[BR]] == Notes == 1a. Actions: None [[BR]] 1b. Outstanding: WP3-WP6 meeting minutes still with CB & JP, will be actioned soon.[[BR]] 2a. From WPM meeting on Tuesday, ITRF approvals in progress & ~50% complete.[[BR]] 3a. IAB review draft recommendations recieved. Will be circulated shortly.[[BR]] 4a. None. [[BR]] 5a. - 8Dec22 16:00 - Ulrich Schramm at RAL. Poster. [[BR]] 5b. - 14Dec22 10:00-17:00 - End Station meeting at Charing Cross, London, now online only (due to transport strikes) so please register. [Note: CB forgot to discuss live] [[BR]] 5c. - 6Jan23 14:00-16:00 - LhARA Seminar at Swansea. [[BR]] 5d. - 6-11Mar23 - Laser and Plasma Accelerators Workshop 2023. Lagos, Algarge, Portugal. [[BR]] 5e. - 27-30Mar23 - IOP Annual Physics PLasma Conference, Oxford, UK. - WP3 to submit abstract & retract if no one available to present.[[BR]] 5f. - 7-12May23 - 14th International Particle Accelerator Conference (ICPA). Venice, Italy. - WP3 to submit abstract & retract if no one available to present.[[BR]] 6a. None [[BR]] **DoNM:** 15DEC2022 [[BR]] === Summary of actions: === 1. **CB** - Write & circulate abstract for IPAC. ---- == Agenda == 1. //Introduction, notes and actions//: **Chair/All** 2. //ITRF update//: **CB** 3. //IAB review update//:**CB** 4. //Research update//:**All** 5. //Upcoming Meetings//: **CB** 6. //AOB//: **All** == Connection details == Join Zoom Meeting: **https://cern.zoom.us/j/68763369382?pwd=V05jYjM0MHNTeHFwQjdYbG1hSDhPdz09** ----