
Version 2 (modified by cbaker4, 19 months ago) ( diff )


Gabor Lens meeting: 15DEC2022; 16:00 BST

Present: CB(chair), KL,TD,MC,CW,EB,SE
Apologies: RH


1a. Outstanding actions: IPAC23 abstract circulated & submitted.
1b. End station meeting of 14Dec went well: see
1c. Ulrich Schram RAL seminar went well. US added to general & Capture mailing list. Encouraging to maintain link.

2a. STFC letters received by WP3, so waiting for University admin., which is progressing.

3a. Response delayed until New Year. WP1 to setup Overleaf for completion.

4a. 9Dec simulation workshop at CERN went well. VSIM licensing & use options being persued by Will. Concern over different timescales (e.g. resolving micromotion during loading), to be investigated. Alternatives (e.g. WarpX) being considered as an alternative.
4b. 5Dec WP6 meeting (with Niel Bliss) highlighted disconnect between scientific timeline & facility planning. Baseline still to be finalised between CB & JP (following 15Nov meeting) to feed into CAD models.

5a. Recall:
6Jan23 14:00-16:00 - LhARA Seminar at Swansea.
6-11Mar23 - Laser and Plasma Accelerators Workshop 2023. Lagos, Algarge, Portugal.
27-30Mar23 - IOP Annual Physics Plasma Conference, Oxford, UK. - WP3 to submit abstract & retract if no one available to present. 7-12May23 - 14th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC). Venice, Italy.

6a. STFC preannouncment of potentially relevant funding call announced. Details/Link to be updated.
6b. Swansea opportunities:
PhD ( )

DoNM: 12Jan2023

Summary of actions:


  1. Introduction, notes and actions: Chair/All
  1. ITRF update: CB
  1. IAB review update: CB
  1. Research update: All
  1. Upcoming Meetings: CB
  1. AOB: All

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