= Gabor Lens meeting: 9MAR2023; 16:00 GMT = **Present:** CB(Chair), Kl, CW, SE, MC, EB, RH [[BR]] **Apologies:** [[BR]] == Notes == 1. All previous items actioned: [[BR]] a. 27-30Mar23 - IOP Annual Physics Plasma Conference, Oxford, UK. ​https://www.iop.org/events/49th-iop-annual-plasma-physics-conference fully booked due to small venue. Abstract to be removed. 2. Conferences [[BR]] a. 16-17 March 2023 1st International Workshop on Particle Minibeam Therapy. Paris, France. https://www.pmbt-group.org/workshop/overview LhARA colleagues attending. [[BR]] b. 7-12May23 - 14th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC). Venice, Italy. - Abstract submitted with WP2. Poster to be sent to **CW** electronically. ​https://www.ipac23.org/. [[BR]] c. 3-7 July 2023 - 49th European Conference on Plasma Physics, Bordeaux, France. https://eps2023.github.io/ [[BR]] 3. Grants & resources [[BR]] a. No update [[BR]] 4. IAB review [[BR]] a. Review document response still being accepted. Expect to finalise next week. [[BR]] 5. Research. [[BR]] a. EB update from 6-11Mar23 Laser and Plasma Accelerators Workshop 2023. Lagos, Algarge, Portugal. ​https://lpaw23.tecnico.ulisboa.pt/ [[BR]] Well attended talk with a few questions: i. Regarding beam divergence in simulation vs. reality. Simulation divergence only for ions of interest. [[BR]] ii. Why Gabor lens? Advice provided that quadrupoles should be looked at. [[BR]] iii. Where will LhARA/ITRF be based? Unsure.[[BR]] 6. AOB [[BR]] a. **KL** meeting with CERN colelages about possible collaboration 30 March. Plasma/Gabor support would be useful [[BR]] b. **EB** reports WP2 to revisit preplasma as contrast now measured at SCAPA. [[BR]] **DoNM:** [[BR]] === Summary of actions: === 1. **CB** to create doodle poll for possible Capture meeting move. [[BR]] 2. **KL** to provide details of CERN meeting to assist with attending. [[BR]] 3. **ON** to be invited to Capture meetings. [[BR]] ---- == Agenda == 1. //Introduction, notes and actions//: **Chair/All** 2. //Upcoming Meetings//: **CB** 3. //Grant & resource updates//: **CB/PIs** 4. //IAB review update//: **CB** 5. //Research update//: **All** 6. //AOB//: **All** == Connection details == Join Zoom Meeting: **https://cern.zoom.us/j/68763369382?pwd=V05jYjM0MHNTeHFwQjdYbG1hSDhPdz09** ----