= Gabor Lens meeting: 14SEPT2023; 16:00 BST = **Present:** CB(Chair), CW, KL, SE[[BR]] **Apologies:** BB[[BR]] == Notes == 1a. Introduction: Welcome back from Summer holidays.[[BR]] 1b. Previous Actions (6Jul2023) : [[https://ccap.hep.ph.ic.ac.uk/trac/wiki/Research/LhARA/GaborLens/Meetings/2023/2023-07-06|Link]] * 1. APS abstract submitted.[[BR]] * 2. **BB** agreed to present.[[BR]] * 3. UKRI Cross council funding application.[[BR]] * 4. Reminder sent.[[BR]] 2a. Maintain Summer schedule (i.e. fortnightly) until teaching timetables are finalised. Find alternative timeslot. [[BR]] 2b. Collaboration meeting in Glasgow, 20th September 2023. [[https://indico.stfc.ac.uk/event/823/|Link]] [[BR]] 2c. 65th APS DPP 30 Oct - 3Nov (Denver, Colorado) [[https://www.aps.org/meetings/meeting.cfm?name=DPP23|Link]] [[BR]] 3a. Still no PDRA under ITRF, but iterative forward progress seems to be occurring. (See item 5). 3b. ITRF PA2 in progress, discussion included: * Visions Panel recommendations received, processed & submitted. See 12Sept23 Fortnightly meeting [[https://ccap.hep.ph.ic.ac.uk/trac/wiki/Research/LhARA/Meetings/2023/2023-09-12|Link]] [[BR]] * WP3 programme & costs with PIs (& University administrators). PIs require LhARA cost template.[[BR]] * Role(s) for Strathclyde/Cockcroft/CLF/JAI.[[BR]] * TFS changes costings for technical support, will need to be evaluated.[[BR]] 4a. No update. See item 5.[[BR]] 5 & 6. Unaddressed, due to time. See actions.[[BR]] 7a. None. **DoNM:** 28SEPT2023[[BR]] === Summary of actions: === 1. **CW** to provide Strathclyde costings.[[BR]] 2. **CB** to provide PIs with costing template.[[BR]] 3. **All** to review item 5 & 6 slides, & return any comments to **CB/WB**.[[BR]] ---- == Agenda == 1. //Introduction, notes and actions//: **Chair/All** 2. //Upcoming Meetings//: **CB** 3. //Grant & resource updates//: **CB/PIs** 4. //Research update//: **All** 5. //[raw-attachment:14092023-Capture-Meeting-PA1_12mo_review-v1.pdf​ Collaboration meeting contribution - PA1 12mo. review]//: **CB/PIs** 6. //[raw-attachment:14092023-Capture-Meeting-PoP_discussion-v1.pdf Collaboration meeting contribution - PoP experiment]//: **CB/PIs** 7. //AOB//: **All** == Connection details == Join Zoom Meeting: **https://swanseauniversity.zoom.us/j/99519002561?pwd=MHZWbzZXdjNtTUorMlc1QU50a2tFZz09** [[BR]] (Or find your local number: https://swanseauniversity.zoom.us/u/adeaFZyu8M) ----