Changes between Version 2 and Version 3 of Research/LhARA/Governance/ExecutiveBoard/Meetings/2023/2023-02-22
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- Feb 26, 2023, 3:29:45 PM (2 years ago)
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v2 v3 1 1 = LhARA Executive Board 22Feb23; 16:00 GMT = 2 2 3 ** ZOOM**: **Present**: KL, AG, TG, PP, JPar, CW 4 4 5 == Agenda==5 == Notes == 6 6 7 7 1. __[wiki:Research/LhARA/Governance/ExecutiveBoard/Meetings/2023/2023-02-06 Notes and actions]: All__ 8 Notes not yet completed and uploaded. KL will progress this asap.9 10 8 Status of actions: 11 * **TG**: float the idea of a "Publications Board" that would encompass publications and conferences to the IB at its next meeting.9 * **TG**: float the idea of a "Publications Board" (aka Science Board) that would encompass publications and conferences to the IB at its next meeting. 12 10 * **Done.** 13 - Concept of "Science Board" agreed at IB in Birmingham on 08Feb23. Initial co-chairs R.Bingham and K.Prise agreed to serve. We need to agree to invite them to our next and subsequent meetings.11 - Concept of "Science Board" agreed at IB in Birmingham on 08Feb23. Initial co-chairs R.Bingham and K.Prise agreed to serve. Agree to invite them to our next and subsequent meetings. 14 12 * **KL/TG**: Update and circulate the Consortium Agreement. 15 * **Done.** 13 * **Done.** Agreed to: 14 - Add report from IB as agenda item. 15 - TG and YP will now contact all LhARA institute PIs to ask that they agree to Conmsortium agreement. Contact with PIs will note that AG and KL will be in contact to begin discussion of next steps towards the larger proposal required to secure the resources beyond the Preliminary Activity. 16 - Under this item we discussed issues related to the ideal site for LhARA taking into account the need for an animal house, user communities, access, technical and adminstrative support etc. Consideration would include the service of biological science and the larger academic and clincial environment. Agreed that AG/JPar will lead on preparation of a document pulling together ideal site considerations. The timescale will be that the document can be reviewed and agreed at the next CM. 16 17 17 18 2. __LhARA Project progress report: CW__ \\ 18 19 - // To include WP0 meeting, feedback and discussion. // 20 - WP0 discussion focussed on 6-month review which is now scheduled for late March 2023. CW noted that issues with staffing in some wps arising from resource are slowing progress. Now picking daatesDate for review meeting being discussed. Next ITRF Board meeting, presently scheduled for the 23Mar23, will be adjusted depending on the review date. 21 - WP5, WP6 milestones need to be met, issue here is effect on our overall programme. 22 - Response to review is now urgent. 19 23 20 24 3. __Outcomes and actions from CM3: All__ 21 25 - // Including discussion of additional resource for WP3 (and WP2) // 26 - Need to understand how to advance WP3. Agreed to seek a meeting of C.Baker, W.Bertsche, E.Boella, M.Charlton, S.Erikson. 27 [Note added: Wp3 meeting on Thursday 23Feb23 began discussion of the advancement of WP3. C.Baker et al agreed to generate document. Will need to organise a follow-up meeting. 28 - Also need to follow up to develop the laser-driven proton/ion acceleration consortium. 22 29 23 30 4. __Update on response to external review of proposal (standing item until complete); KL, CW, All__ \\ 31 - Now urgent, noted above. 24 32 25 33 5. __STFC accelerator consortium call: KL, All__ 34 - Meeting on 15Feb23 concluded that there was no home for the target/ion production and capture work needed to drive our programme forward in the one laser-wakefield consortium that had emerged from the more general laser-acceleration consortium with which KL had engaged. Regrouping now, will need to look for responsive-mode funding opportunities. 26 35 27 36 6. __MRC call: :__ AG, JPl 28 29 7. __Next CM in Birmingham and next IB:__ JPa, TG, YP, All 30 - We noted agenda and the preparations. 31 32 8. __DONM__ \\ 37 - Severall meetings of AG, K.Prise, K.Parsons, KL and M.Borghesi had talen place. 3 sub-projects defined to be led from Brm, Oxf/Paris, and QUB. Next meeting Monday 27Feb23. 38 39 7. __DONM__ \\ 33 40 08Mar23; **15:00 GMT** -- Note proposed change of time; 16:00 is a clash with a meeting on a meeting which may impact laser-driven ion work in the UK to which KL has been invited. 34 41 35 42 8. __AoB__ \\ 43 None. 36 44 37 45 ----