= LhARA Executive Board 31May23; 16:00 BST = **ZOOM:** https://cern.zoom.us/j/69273575605?pwd=K1cwVVo3UmJwL0pkVDZFSXRJcitvQT09 1. __[wiki:Research/LhARA/Governance/ExecutiveBoard/Meetings/2023/2023-05-17 Notes and actions]: All__ Status of actions: \\ * **KL, TG:** Push on contacting institute PIs re signing MoU and consulting re positioning in next proposal. * **Ongoing; for next meeting.** * **KL, TG:** Push on organisation of IoP meeting. * **Ongoing.** * **RB, KP:** Circulate ToR for SB for comment to the EB. * **Stands.** * **KL:** Write once more to U.Schramm, with RB in CC, to explain our situation with the programme and to ask for a conversation on how to proceed. * **Done.** 2. // LhARA Project progress report: // CW \\ 3. // LhARA SB report: // BB, KP \\ * Upcoming conferences: - IoP PAB - FRPT - Others? 4. //Documenting radiation biology programme:// AG, JPar, All \\ 5. //Collaboration and consultation meeting dates:// KL 6. __DONM__ \\ 31May23; 16:00 BST 7. __AoB__ \\ ---- {{{#!comment }}}