= LhARA Executive Board 26Jul23; 16:00 BST = == Agenda == 1. __[wiki:Research/LhARA/Governance/ExecutiveBoard/Meetings/2023/2023-07-12 Notes and actions]: All__ \\ See also [wiki:Research/LhARA/Governance/ExecutiveBoard/Meetings/2023/2023-07-19 Meeting to discuss IF Wave 4 bid]. Status of actions: \\ * **KL, TG:** Push on contacting institute PIs re signing MoU and consulting re positioning in next proposal. 2. //LhARA Project progress report: // CW \\ 3. //LhARA SB report: // BB, KP \\ 4. // [https://www.ukri.org/opportunity/ukri-cross-research-council-responsive-mode-pilot-scheme/ UKRI cross research council responsive mode pilot scheme: round 1] - Update 5. //Bid for continuation next steps // - Including: - How to converge on bio demo experiment - How to organise preparation of full proposal in parallel to managing existing programme - WPMs for new work packages 6. //Documenting vision for biological science programme // Will now be part of 5-year plan that will accompany PA2 submission in October 2023. 7. //Collaboration and consultation meeting dates:// KL - Next collaboration meetings: 20Sep23; Glasgow 8. __DONM__ \\ 09Augl23; 16:00 BST 9. __AoB__ \\ ---- {{{#!comment }}}