= LhARA Executive Board 15Nov23; 16:00 GMT = CJ, CW, TG, JPar, BB == Agenda == 1. __[wiki:Research/LhARA/Governance/ExecutiveBoard/Meetings/2023/2023-11-01 Notes and actions]: All__ \\ Status of actions: \\ * **KL, TG:** Push on contacting institute PIs re signing MoU and consulting re positioning in next proposal. - Now initiated by TG. Pushing forward now. - CNRS/ICL * **KL**: Flag need for no-cost extensions with MN, cc: Chris Gordon, SV - KL to act now ... * **KL**: Add update to intro to 12-month report to first page - Done. * **KL**: Fix diary requests for EB meets. - Done. 2. //LhARA/ITRF PA1 progress report: // CW \\ Including: - WP2, OEM but need to atted - WP3, go to Swansea - WP4, OK - WP5, moving a meeting - WP6, issues NB retirement, other pressures. - Projected underspends: - Fix jargon. - Feeding STFC; need to support to fund .... 3. //LhARA/ITRF PA2 preparation: // \\ - Including discussion of preparation of second international review - Costs, 23, spreading the activity 4. //PoP experiment: // JPar \\ - Good meeting; likely get going soon; - Exchange visits Brm Strthcld - 6mm aperture, 500 T/m - Neil Thompson, Ben Shepherd: designs for magnets 5. //LhARA SB report: // BB, KP \\ - papers email. BELLA developing beam line like ours with PMQs. - Proton and electron flash interest - IUPAP w/g 14 ... => novel beams for bio; paper into PTCOG - Water jet for protons - PPRIG: will presented LhARA good from Will good from JPa. Interest to make a proton rbio group to take topic forward. 6. //Collaboration and consultation meeting dates:// KL - 26Apr24; ICR, London - Sep24, Belfast 7. __DONM__ \\ 29Nov23; 16:00 GMT 8. __AoB__ \\ - EU proposal prep; TIARA - IB report back on agenda for future meetings - We vcerate a pull ----