= LhARA Executive Board 17Apr24; 16:00 BST = **ZOOM:** https://cern.zoom.us/j/69273575605?pwd=K1cwVVo3UmJwL0pkVDZFSXRJcitvQT09 Passcode: 156195 == Agenda == 1. __[wiki:Research/LhARA/Governance/ExecutiveBoard/Meetings/2024/2024-04-03 Notes and actions]: All__ \\ Status of actions: \\ - **KL**: Support Draft email to H. Burgess: **Done** 2. //LhARA/ITRF PA1 progress report: // CW \\ - 18 month report and milestone reports, status 3. //LhARA/ITRF PA2 bridging activity: // KL, CW, AG / All 4. //Collaboration/18-month review meeting dates: // All - [https://indico.stfc.ac.uk/event/986/ 25/26Apr24; ICL, ICR, London] 5. //Initial thoughts on EU applications: // KL, All 6. //Conferences and publications; SB report: // RB, KP, All // 7. //Collaboration/18-month review meeting dates: // ALl - 25/26Apr24; ICL, ICR, London - 01-02 Sep24, Belfast 8. __DONM__ \\ 30Apr24 -- can we do our meeting on this unusual day? I've taken a week off from 01May! 9. __AoB__ \\ ----