Changes between Version 8 and Version 9 of Research/LhARA/Governance/ExecutiveBoard/Meetings/2024/2024-07-10

Jul 21, 2024, 5:59:29 PM (6 weeks ago)



  • Research/LhARA/Governance/ExecutiveBoard/Meetings/2024/2024-07-10

    v8 v9  
    1313 * **KL/RB**: Liaise to make sure wiki has list of upcoming conferences to target.
    1414  * **Stands.**
    15  * **PP/KL** to reach out to Wendy Berkeley;
    16   **Done.**
    17  * **JPar** to reach out to Brm person
    18   * **Done.** Spoke to his colleague Jo Morris; MCMPanel.  Allysia Estacio Gomes in MRC, then to Charlotte Durkin ,, head of theme for MCMB Panel.  There it stands
     15 * **PP/KL** to reach out to Wendy Berkeley; \\
     16  * **Done.**
     17 * **JPar** to reach out to Brm person \\
     18  * **Done.** Spoke to his colleague J.Morris a member of the MCMB Panel.  Also contacted colleagues in MRC related to the MCMB Panel.  Awaiting developments.
    1919 * **KL/PP** reach out to Heather Burgess re biomedical peer group meeting.
    2020  * **Done.**
    22222. //LhARA/ITRF PA1 progress update: // CW \\
    23  * 18 month ... author list ...
    24  * WP2: experimental run; proton-production development and optimisation at the end
    25  * WP3: Milan now introduced; discussion of code etc.
    26   * 150V --> 350V, see if get linear increase in space-charge containment; simulation development
    27  * WP4: My summary; EMP;
    28   * Write to Massimo ...
    29  * WP5: Final consultation meeting cancelled -- need to think about whether it is the first of the new series.
    30  * WP6: Going OK.
    31  * WP7: Bio; discussion with Marie Boyd; experiments are well defined.  Lists of equipment defined.  Beam line initial guess will be presented tomorrow.  10MeV => mylar not plastic.  Beam line.
    32  * WP8: Opportunity; health side, radical change?  Starmer -- update to get med tech world leading ... meeting with Massimo, meeting in October, CSR by September
    33   * CJ: green tech, infrastructure organisation outside UKRI--watch out
     23 * WP2: Good progress in recent experimental run to study proton-production.  Development of contrast of laser to improve coupling of laser into target.  Optimisation of proton production carried out at the end of the run.
     24 * WP3: M.Patel now introduced to the group.  Begun discussion of codes; etc.  Working to upgrade potential from 150V to 350V to see whether there is the predicted linear increase in space-charge containment.  Continued development of simulation.
     25 * WP4: Good beam test in Brm.  Demonstrated linearity of scintillator response.  Reconstructed Bragg peak.  Now working on preparation for LMU test.  Discussion of EMP, input from Strathclyde important.  M.Maxouti to visit LMU to make sure constraints are understood.
     26  * **Agreed** that KL would write to M.Noro to ask that Verasonics amplifier and digitiser system is underwritten by project.
     27 * WP5: Final consultation meeting has been cancelled as it has not yet been advertised and summer break makes it hard to establish.  **Agreed** to return to organising the meeting as the the first consultation meeting of the new series for the bridging period.
     28 * WP6: Work progressing on study of FFA magnet etc.
     29 * WP7: JPar discussion with Marie Boyd; experiments are well defined.  Lists of equipment defined.  Beam line initial guess will be presented tomorrow.  Planning beam energy of 10MeV implies that need to prepare mylar-based cell containment.
     30 * WP8: Progressing engagement activities.  PP/M.Noro introductory meeting planned.  Recognition of need to enhance engagement and outreach in run-up to and during the bridging period.
    35323. //LhARA/ITRF BP1 bridging activity: // All \\
    3633 * [raw-attachment:OBS-LhARA-ITRF24-07-10C.pptm OBS for discussion]
    38 * Students
     34  * OBS accepted, need to tidy.
     35 * Outline of student pitch discussed.  **Agreed** KL should push it forward.  Noted V.Wright had a role in student training and that KL should make contact.
    40374. //Opportunities for proposals: // KL/All  \\
    41  * UKRI Cross Council Pilot Scheme; EPRSC Equipment grant
    42   * 02Sep; Nov
    43 {{{#!comment
    44   Look 'em up before, but, EPSRC, Equipment, small awards ...
    45 }}}
     38 * UKRI Cross Council Pilot Scheme; EPRSC Equipment grant.  Initial discussion, revisit at next meeting.
    47405. //Engagement; "developing an offering": // KL/PP/All \\
    48 our pitch
    49 Endorsed.
    50 Launch next Tuesday ...
    51 IoP/medical lecture ... LMI ...
     41 Discussion of enhancing our engagement activity.  Identified the need for a concrete focus.  Proposed to target RS Summer Exhibition in two years, Exhibition Road Festival of Science 2025 as the shorter-term focus and rehearsal opportunnity. \\
     42  **Endorsed.** \\
     43 **Agreed** to launch initiative at next Tuesday's Fortnightly meeting.
    53456. //Conferences and publications; SB report: // RB, KP, All \\
    54 New talk for DPS application of plasma accelerartors ,,,
    55 Papers to circulate.
    56 Public lectures; 18:00--20:00 Rutherford Lectures ...
    57 School level to university/public ...
     46 RB had secured a talk at DPS meeting in a session on the applications of plasma accelerartors. \\
     47 Will develop a plan for one of the RAL Public lectures; 18:00--20:00. 
    59497. //Collaboration meeting dates: // All