= LhARA Executive Board 10Jul24; 16:00 BST = **ZOOM:** https://cern.zoom.us/j/69273575605?pwd=K1cwVVo3UmJwL0pkVDZFSXRJcitvQT09 == Agenda == 1. __[wiki:Research/LhARA/Governance/ExecutiveBoard/Meetings/2024/2024-06-12 Notes and actions]: All__ \\ Status of actions: \\ * **KL**: contact D. Brown to discuss no-cost extensions for LhARA groups supported by grants;\\ * **Ongoing.** * **KL/RB**: Liaise to make sure wiki has list of upcoming conferences to target. * **Ongoing:**. List provided by RB, need to post on wiki. * **KL**: Bring JPar into discussions with QUB about CM#5 ***Done.** 2. //LhARA/ITRF PA1 progress update: // CW \\ * 18 month report; WP4 and WP5; ... now working for completion * WP2: Experiments this week at SCAPA; some improvements, but still an issue in the oscillator. THALES will help in debug. * WP3: Continued progress in trapping more particles. * WP4: Working on LMU, cyclotron, * WP5: Last consultation meeting; looking for end of July * WP6: Issues in FFA; much more info on injection/extraction -- likely to have an injection/extraction scheme on reasonable timescale; * WP7: Strathclyde meeting, good discussion, biologies from strathclyde, Jason too, mark wiggins. Also good on bio from strathclyde. JPar positive, alignment, start of a programme * WP8: Pushing on; 3. //LhARA/ITRF PA2 bridging activity: // All \\ To include: * __CW:__ Outline budget by work package * __KL/All:__ Summary of discussions with D.Newbold, M.Noro, et al, briefing paper sent by M.Noro to DN in preparation for DN meeting with MRC, and discussion of peer-level contact with MRC. * Agreed actions as follows: * **PP/KL** to reach out to Wendy Berkeley; * **JPar** to reach out to Brm person * **KL/PP** reach out to Heather Burgess re biomedical peer group meeting 4. //MCSA application update: // KL \\ 5. //Conferences and publications; SB report: // RB, KP, All \\ * No update 6. //Collaboration meeting dates: // All - 02-03 Sep24, Belfast - Apr25, UCL 7. __DONM__ \\ 26Jun24 -- 16:00 8. __AoB__ \\ ----