= LhARA Executive Board 24Jul24; 16:00 BST = **Present:** KL, CJ, TG, CP, AG, HO, RB **Apologies:** CW, PP, JPar __Preamble:__\\ We noted a variety of opportunities related to collaboration with ELI. In particular, CLF has a fund to support activities at laboratories outside RAL while the laser systems at RAL are being upgraded. We agreed to target a number of areas for possible proposals across the areas we are developing. == Notes == 1. __[wiki:Research/LhARA/Governance/ExecutiveBoard/Meetings/2024/2024-07-10 Notes and actions]: All__ \\ Status of actions: \\ * **KL/RB**: Liaise to make sure wiki has list of upcoming conferences to target. * **Stands.** * **KL**: Write to M.Noro to seek underwriting of Verasonics system in September's LMU test beam. * **Done.** * **KL**: Follow up on pitch for students during bridging period. * **Ongoing.** Discussion with V.Wright and S.Verth have led to the concept to make a more formal request to S.Verth. Action retained until the formal request has been sent. 2. //LhARA/ITRF PA1 progress update: // CW \\ * Progress by WP: * WP2: Continued progress since last report. * WP3: Status unclear since this week's meeting of WP3 was cancelled. * WP4: Focus of work now on preparation for beam time at LMU in September. * WP5: New design for beam profiler being developed. Peer-group consultation meeting postponed. * WP6: Progress on magnet design and concept for RF. Preparing for CDR. * WP7: 4-quad design for beam line will be presented at PoPLaR meeting tomorrow. * WP8: No update since last meeting. * CP: * Need to include "Benefit mapping" in CDR and integrate into the BP1 activity. CP offered support to WPs to gather and process the data. 3. //LhARA/ITRF BP1 bridging activity: // All \\ * Preparation of document continues. New date for meeting to wrap up the documentation being sought. 4. //Opportunities for proposals: // KL/All \\ * [https://www.ukri.org/opportunity/ukri-cross-research-council-responsive-mode-pilot-scheme-round-2/ Pre-announcement: UKRI cross research council responsive mode pilot scheme: round 2] * CJ: Important to get act together in advance of the call being announced. * Public engagement: no open calls. * Unclear when a call might be issued, but, should now make a plan so that we're ready. * MCSA DN: * Progress in first week of August. * TG: IoP has small award for outreach, need to check out. * RB: NPL has dosimetry activity. Thinking of inviting for RAL talk in January 2025. 5. //Conferences and publications; SB report: // RB, KP, All \\ No update this week. 6. //Collaboration meeting dates: // All - 02-03 Sep24, Belfast - Apr25, UCL 7. __DONM__ \\ 06Aug24 -- 16:00 9. __AoB__ \\ * We agreed to run next week's Fortnihghtly with CW in the chair. ---- {{{#!comment Cover: -- UKRI Cross Council Pilot Scheme; EPRSC Equipment grant; STFC small award -- Authorlist for CDR }}}