= LhARA Executive Board 19Feb25; 16:00 GMT = **Present:** == Agenda == 1. __[wiki:Research/LhARA/Governance/ExecutiveBoard/Meetings/2025/2025-02-05 Notes and actions]:__ All \\ 2. __Update on engagement with STFC:__ KL / All \\ - KL ... 3. __Status of BP1 awards:__ CW / All \\ - Some letters to Unis saying that grant will be extended. Spend by September 2025. Strathclyde, Imperial, STFC, and a couple of others. 4. __Great Exhibition Road Festival of Science update:__ PP, KL, All \\ 5. __CDR preparation:__ All \\ 6. __IB Report:__ TG, YP \\ 7. __Collaboration meeting dates:__ All - 07-08 April 2025, UCL - [raw-attachment:CM7-d1.pptx Outline agenda] - Sep25, TBD ; ?? Swansea 8. __DONM__ \\ 05Mar25 -- 16:00 GMT 9. __AoB__ \\ ----