= LhARA Work Package Managers pages = The LhARA Work Package Managers (WPM) group was formed to prepare the first significant proposal prepared by the LhARA collaboration over the summer of 2021. The WPM group plays a role analogous to that of the Technical Board in a typical large collaboration. **Representation:** the membership of the Work Package Managers Group may be found [wiki:Research/DesignStudy/WPMGroup/Membership here]. **Communication:** send an email to all WPMs using the following mailing list on the Imperial mail server (Imperial.ac.uk): ccap-lhara-wpm@imperial.ac.uk == [wiki:Research/DesignStudy/WPMGroup/Meetings Meetings] == Future: * [wiki:Research/DesignStudy/Meetings/2022/2022-04-05 05 April 2022] Past: [wiki:Research/DesignStudy/WPMGroup/Meetings/2022/ 2022]: * [wiki:Research/DesignStudy/WPMGroup/Meetings/2022/03-01 01 March 2022] [wiki:Research/DesignStudy/WPMGroup/Meetings/2021/ 2021] == Proposal; status and development == [https://www.overleaf.com/read/hzzyzcsncbkw Latest version in Overleaf] == WPM Document Library == [wiki:Research/DesignStudy/WPMGroup/Document-Library] 15Oct21: Templates for work package cost sheet and risk register: * Cost sheet template ([raw-attachment:2021-10-15-LhARA-WP1.xlsx XLSX]) * Risk register template ([raw-attachment:21_11_03_RiskReg.xlsx XLSX]) * Project Plan ([raw-attachment:LhARA1-DK.mpp mpp]) 09Sep21: Skeleton update ([raw-attachment:2021-09-09-LhARA-proposal-d0.2.pdf PDF], [raw-attachment:2021-09-09-LhARA-proposal-d0.2.docx WORD]): Added second lead for WP6; minor update to heading in A-7 \\ 09Sep21: Skeleton ([raw-attachment:2021-09-09-LhARA-proposal-d0.2.pdf PDF], [raw-attachment:2021-08-05-LhARA-proposal-template.docx WORD]): first version == Timeline for preparation == - **13Sep21:** Definition of scope overall and by work package - **05Nov21:** Initial drafts of text for scientific proposal and management annex - **01Dec21:** "Ink drying"; i.e. proposal complete == Documentation, background information, and useful links == [https://stfc.ukri.org/about-us/how-we-are-governed/policies-standards/project-management-framework/ STFC Project Management framework] * [https://stfc.ukri.org/files/project-management-framework/ PDF file] ----