= LhARA & LMU third meeting: 05Oct23; 10:30 GMT = **ZOOM**: ​https://cern.zoom.us/j/68763369382?pwd=V05jYjM0MHNTeHFwQjdYbG1hSDhPdz09 == Agenda == 1. Introduction: Ken Long \\ [raw-attachment:2023-10-05-Long.pptx Slides.] 2. Current status (simulations & experiments): Maria Maxouti \\ [raw-attachment:LhARA&LMU_third_meeting.pdf Slides.] 3. Matrix & linear array transducers: Jeff Bamber 4. Liquid scintillator: Peter Hobson \\ [raw-attachment:LhARA_5Oct23_V2.pdf​ Slides.] 5. SmartPhantom design: Oliver Jeremy 6. //AOB//: **All** ---- == Notes == 1. A long elongated tube will cause the (unwanted) dispersion of the beam: we might need to re-design the phantom 2. In the experiment we should keep in mind that we might get a 12-14 MeV beam, to 20 MeV 3. Shall we plan an experiment where we have the SciFi stations in front of the phantom and not inside? 4. Electron noise should be investigated further - very interesting results 5. The matrix and linear arrays are in the frequency range of detectable signals 6. Coupling them on the side of the phantom might cause poor reconstruction. The gel cannot couple all interfaces (water-kapton-air) 7. Call we immerse the matrix & linear array in the water? 8. Pre-amplification: can we borrow one from the company in Munich? 9. Liquid scintillator sounds promising 10. Experiment most likely to be done over the summer with Julie/Sonja's help