= LhARA Ionacoustic dose profiling meeting: 22Feb24; 10:30 GMT = **ZOOM**: ​https://cern.zoom.us/j/68763369382?pwd=V05jYjM0MHNTeHFwQjdYbG1hSDhPdz09 == Agenda == 1. Water vs DIPN: MM 2. WP4 bridging activity and funding: JB 3. Major achievements of WP4 to list at the 18-month time point: JB 4. //AOB//: **All** ---- == Notes == 1. The acoustic properties (speed of sound, attenuation, ...) of DIPN should be understood 2. Maria to send a list of all the conferences where the ionacoustics work has been presented 3. The IPAC abstract has been accepted; the deadline for registration is in 6 days