= LhARA Ionacoustic dose profiling meeting: 04Apr24; 10:30 GMT = **ZOOM**: ​https://cern.zoom.us/j/68763369382?pwd=V05jYjM0MHNTeHFwQjdYbG1hSDhPdz09 == Agenda == 1. IoP presentation: MM 2. Piston hydrophone vs matrix array: MM 3. IPAC24' paper: **All** 4. //AOB//: **All** ---- == Notes == 1. Maria will add all the affiliations in the IoP presentation & circulate the slides again. She will also upload the slides on the wiki page. 2. Maria will run the reconstructions with only a selected part of the signals to exclude reflections from the aluminium walls. Will also circulate the slides presented to get Jeff and Ben's comments. 3. Peter will have a look at Maria's first draft of the IPAC24' paper.