= LhARA fortnightly Meeting 1^st^ August 2023; 14:00 BST = **ZOOM:** https://cern.zoom.us/j/63831511146?pwd=NU12QktuQy9SV3A2ZUtSNXU0OEI4UT09 == Agenda == 1. // [wiki:Research/LhARA/Meetings/2023/2023-07-18 Notes of previous meetings] and actions // 2. // News, updates and planning for preparation of full programme for second Preliminary Activity//: K. Long \\ [raw-attachment:01-2023-08-01-Long.pptx​ Slides] 3. // Updates on progress//: C. Whyte/All \\ 4. // Introduction to the LhARA "Impact: clinical and industrial" programme//: P. Price \\ [raw-attachment:02-2023-07-18-Long.pptx​ KL intro slides] 5. // DoNM//: * 15Aug23 6. // AoB// \\ ----