= LhARA fortnightly Meeting 02^nd^ July 2024; 14:00 BST = **ZOOM:** https://cern.zoom.us/j/67429062134?pwd=MXI2Q254VFFQVE4vc25PYlJuVCtOZz09 == Agenda == 1. // [wiki:Research/LhARA/Meetings/2024/2024-06-18 Notes of previous meetings] and actions // 2. // News and updates //: A. Giacca, K. Long \\ Headlines: * Collaboration meeting 02/03 Sept3ember 2024 in QUB: - C.Palmer invited everyone to register, link to event page: - https://indico.stfc.ac.uk/event/1060/ * 18 month report is coming together. One editing pass now complete, still need to work on references and formatting. Only WP4 contribution requires editing. * Bridging funding is now announced and WPMs are working on details of plan, milestones, distribution of resource etc. Once the 18 month report is complete, focus will turn to generating the document required to document the bridging programme. * Immediately after the bridging document is complete, need to begin work on the CDR. This needs to be ready for review at the QUB collaboration meeting/ITRF 24 month review. * https://cds.cern.ch/record/2902966/ and the DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17181/CERN.9K4Y.MM92 3. // Report on PA1 activities and framework for development of bridging period activities //: C. Whyte \\ 4. // Ion-acoustic dose-profile mapping (WP4) progress report //: M. Maxouti \\ [raw-attachment:WP4.pptx Slides] 5. // DoNMs//: * 16Jul24: Fortnightly 6. // AoB// \\ ----