= LhARA fortnightly Meeting 02^nd^ July 2024; 14:00 BST = **ZOOM:** https://cern.zoom.us/j/67429062134?pwd=MXI2Q254VFFQVE4vc25PYlJuVCtOZz09 == Agenda == 1. // [wiki:Research/LhARA/Meetings/2024/2024-06-18 Notes of previous meetings] and actions // 2. // News and updates //: A. Giacca, K. Long \\ [raw-attachment:01-2024-07-02-Long.pptx Slides] 3. // Report on PA1 activities and framework for development of bridging period activities //: C. Whyte \\ 4. // Ion-acoustic dose-profile mapping (WP4) progress report //: M. Maxouti \\ [raw-attachment:WP4.pptx Slides] 5. // DoNMs//: * 16Jul24: Fortnightly 6. // AoB// \\ ----