
Version 3 (modified by cwhyte1, 19 months ago) ( diff )


LhARA Project WPM Meeting 29th November 2022 WP2; 14:00 GMT


Meeting ID: 950 0073 4107 Passcode: p+Uu8$



  • JeS progress: update - CW

HO Award letters have been issued to: Strath, Liv, ICR, Man & RH HO Letters to be issued imminently to Imp, Birm, Swan, Lanc & UCL NB Request to UKRI to reprofile LhARA expected from DL next few days.

KL Action KL, CW to write skeleton doc for reply by end this week.

  • LhARA End station - 1st consultation 14th Dec 2022 Charing Cross.

Please register via the indico site

TP,RM Event moved online, please regster

  • IPAC Papers Abstracts 7th Dec. Conf May '23.

KL - IonAcoustic in preparation. General LhARA also in preparation but less advanced. HO - IOP will consider requests for support up to £400, students can receive fee waiver in return for conferecne assistance. Agree further discussion at 'Fortnightly' next week, when deadline will be imminent, those considering a ssubmission should prepare a draft ahead of next week's meeting.

  • AOB

STFC may issue call for proposals, LhARA should prepare to apply, early next year. May require wider remit than just LhARA for success.

LhARA baseline should assess current sustainability and options to improve.

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