
Version 2 (modified by cwhyte1, 13 months ago) ( diff )


LhARA Project WPM Meeting 16th May 2023 14:00 GMT =

Meeting URL:

Meeting ID: 845 5054 3598 Password: 737274

Present CW, KL, ND, CB, JB.


  • Progress towards deliverables.

WP2 note that EB starts maternity leave today and intends to resign from current post - LancasterU is recruiting. Opinion is that progress towards reports is still on track and ICL/Strath can absorb additional workload, capability exists in both to contribute to modelling effort required. WP3 notes recruitment has not completed but current staff are making progress, detailed update will show some delays. WP4 no concerns currently WP5 no update WP6 M1 agreed a delayed delivery, expected soon.

  • Travel spend to date

CW noted WPMs will be requested to submit current travel budget spend at future date - CW to request all WPM via e-mail

  • Work package monthly

Monthly reports required now.. pleases send to CW

  • Consultation
    • Document - finalised
    • Next meeting 19th June Birmingham
  • Collaboration Meetings.
    • CM4 Date 20th Sept 2023 Glasgow
    • CM5 Date 26th April 2024 London - ICR - inetrnal nbooking conflict - resolution in progress
  • AOB
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