= LhARA PoPLaR meeting: 16May2024; 14:00 GMT = **ZOOM:** ​​https://imperial-ac-uk.zoom.us/j/92877706542?pwd=SVRnWUpYRDdOZVY2ZnBmM3grSnFpZz09 == Agenda == 1. Updates (K.L. to present my slides) \\ [raw-attachment:PoPLaR-16_05_23-Meeting.pdf​ Slides] 2. Quad discussion Good discussion of pros and cons. We **agreed**: - **JMcG/KL** will continue simulations. Variety of questions, but, focus on doublet close to source that is "strong" and a second doublet at the end that is "weak". - **HO** will make some enquiries regarding outline cost/lead time for the same 2-doublet configuration. We'll take the discussion forward next week in Ggo. 3. SCAPA visit plan \\ Not addressed. 4. AOB \\ None ----