Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Research/LhARA/RadiationBiology/Meetings/2024-11-14

Nov 26, 2024, 6:01:39 PM (4 weeks ago)



  • Research/LhARA/RadiationBiology/Meetings/2024-11-14

    v1 v1  
     3== Agenda ==
     51. Quad positioning & discussion \\
     6Simulations presented ([raw-attachment: 2 Quad Combinations.pdf BDSIM Visuals]) to show optimal quad positions of the quad combinations using the SCAPA divergence with a pencil beam. 4cm2cm, 6cm4cm and 6cm2cm quads gives best transmission as with previous beam, all above 10% with this beam but while 4cm2cm has lowest transmission of the 3, the position of the first quad is most appropriate and beam shape is more circular at the target- potentially the best option. Sensitivity simulations shifting the quads up to 1mm in the x and y directions show that the quads are very sensitive even at 0.01mm. Quad 1 was much more sensitive than quad 2, automated mounting system should be placed on quad 1. Next step to move the source in the y direction as SCAPA has been having issues with this, see what issues may arise.
     92. SCAPA Update \\
     10Quote for rotation drive- 25k for xyz. Though there are only plans to purchase 1, we should purchase an 8 axis control for future experiments where we plan to add more. Supplier secured for kapton exit window to air for bio samples, awaiting quote. Discussion of having 2 modes of operation, one without quads first (can utilise the december beamline for this) and one with. March beamline available on week of March 10th.
     133. Bio Update \\
     14Carousel design agreed upon, to be implemented into the drawings by Ross to check dimensions are appropriate for beamline.
     174. AOB \\
     18Agenda for half day meeting discussed, roughly 30 mins per presentation. Need for:
     19SCAPA update and state of experiment plans, list of things that are needed for experiment to go ahead with time scales/deadlines (Ross)
     20Bio equipment update and experiment plan, list of things that are needed for experiment to go ahead with time scales/deadlines (Jason/Marie)
     21Hardware discussion, list of things that are needed for experiment to go ahead with time scales/deadlines (Josie, Ken, Hywel)
     22Discussion of all sections
     23Discussion/creation of checklist
     24Timeline plan