
Version 6 (modified by kurup, 6 years ago) ( diff )


Simulation and Experiment Meeting 21st August 2018

Meeting details

10:30 Room 532, Blackett Lab.

Zoom details:

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    Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):
        United Kingdom: +44 (0) 20 3695 0088  or +44 (0) 20 3051 2874
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  • Status updates
    • BDSIM simulations.
    • Geant4 simulations.
    • Laser.
    • Gabor lens.
  • Scintillating fibre detector development.
  • AOB


Present: Ajit Kurup, Laura Murgatroyd, Rebecca Taylor, Hin Tong Lau. Apologies: Oliver Ettlinger

  • Status updates
    • Laser - email update from Ollie:
      • "The laser has been used for some initial electron acceleration studies, but that is all. We are slowing in the process of setting up an ion acceleration run next. This will continue happening over the next couple of months. "
    • BDSIM transport simulations - RT.
      • Transport line optics.
      • Ignoring capture for now.
      • transport to the end has beam diameter of 3cm.
      • quad parameters from Jaroslaw.
      • Adding beam dumps and the Wein filter.
      • Possible issue with rotations in BDSIM
    • End station simulations - LM.
      • Definition of details of the end station in BDSIM.
      • Need vacuum window size.
      • Energy loss of protons in water and position of Bragg peak and statistical variation with all materials in Geant4.
    • HTL at MedAustron.
      • Beam emittance is much larger than design value.
      • Looking at matching with MADX and comparisons with scintillating fibre measurements.
      • Good comparison if emittance used is 5 times bigger than design value.
      • Using BDSIM. MedAustron is interested in using BDSIM to look at the nozzle.
      • Issue with particle loss in the nozzle.
        • AK: should turn back on tracking of secondaries and select particles in ROOT. RT/LM/AK will send example ROOT macro to analyse BDSIM samplers.
      • Issue using MADX particle output format as input beam for BDSIM. AK to send HTL developers' email addresses.

  • Scintillating fibre detector development - AK
    • STFC Impact Acceleration Account grant awarded to develop a scintillating fibre detector to measure the profile and energy of the laser-driven ion beam.
    • AK working with Geoff on design. Will be tested with laser at Imperial.
    • Plan to use for measurements at MedAustron. Details to be discussed.
  • Next meeting is on 18th September 2018.
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